Most medications can be transfered easily from any pharmacy across Canada.  Just stop by our pharmacy or phone us to request a prescription transfer.  We will ask for your name and contact information as well as the name of the pharmacy where you last filled your prescriptions. Our pharmacists will contact the other pharmacy directly for your prescription information, so we can fill the prescription at our pharmacy.
If it is the first time you are filling a prescription at our pharmacy, you will need to give the pharmacy your student number.  
Using your student number, the pharmacy will automatically electronically submit your prescription claim to the Student Plan, so you wont need to manually submit your receipt. If the pharmacy doesn't have your student number, they wont be able to send your claim to the Student Plan for coverage.

Check to make sure you are still enrolled in the Student Plan.
If you are nolonger a full time student or if most of your classes are clinical rotations or online classes, you might nolonger be enrolled in the Student Plan. You can check your tuition to see if you paid into the plan or you can talk to the the Student Plan office. The pharmacy might be able to see if your coverage has been terminated, but we wont have information about the reason your coverage was terminated.

If you are enrolled in the Student Plan, but the prescription wasn't automatically covered, you can apply for a Student Plan Drug Exception Request from the Student Plan. 

Student Plan Drug Exception Request applications:
If your medication might quality for approval, we probably asked you to sign an application forms when you were picking up your prescription. If we didn't give you an application form, you can talk to us or the Student Plan to obtain a form.

Once the application has been submitted to the Student Plan, it may take approximately 2-6 weeks for the plan to process your applications. If your application is approved, you will receive an email from the Student Plan. You can then submit your prescription receipt to the Student Plan to be reimbursed.

Most prescriptions are approved for one year at a time. The approval expiry date will be provided in your approval email.

Special Support Program
  • Anyone with a Saskatchewan Health card can apply
  • The program is funded by the Saskatchewan provincial government 
  • It is program based on need
For more information, please visit the Special Support Program online.

Here are 5 reasons you might you want to apply for the program:
  1. Many students have a lower income, so they qualify for significant coverage. The lower your income and higher your drug costs, the more coverage you will get. Once you turn 18 years old, coverage is calculated based on your income, not your parents. 
  2. Most, but not all, prescription medications qualify for coverage under this plan.
  3. You might save even more money by combining Special Support with your current plan. For example: if the full price of your medications is $100/month and the Student Plan pays 80%, you usually pay $20/month. ($100 x 80% coverage= $20/month). If you apply and are approved for 90% coverage through Special Support, you will only pay $2/month. ($100 x 90% coverage= $10  then $10 x 80% coverage= $2/month) 
  4. Your circumstances may change in the future. If you apply using Side A of the form and continue living in Saskatchewan and filing income tax, your coverage will be automatically reassessed each year.  
  5. Your private plan might require you to apply as part of their policy.

STEP 1: Fill out Side A or Side B of the application form

Fill out the Side A Application Form if you file income tax. You will need to provide your Notice of Assessment or pages 1-4 of your income tax return. (Note: if you remain in Saskatchewan and continue to file taxes, your coverage will be automatically re-assessed each year based on your new income and new drug costs.)

Fill our the Side B Application Form if you did not file income tax. You will need to provide documents to prove your income (eg. T4s, scholarship information, pension information). You may choose to provide the most recent 3 months of your bank statements along with a letter explaining your annual income. (Note: you will need to re-apply every year to stay in the program.

STEP 2: Submit the application
Submit your completed application and income documentation to Sask Health by email, mail or bring to our pharmacy to fax. Sask Health mailing address and email is listed on the top right corner of the application form.

STEP 3: You will receive a letter in the mail from Sask Health stating your coverage
  • It may take 4-8 weeks for your application to be processed then you will receive a letter in the mail explaining your level of coverage. 
  • The letter will be mailed to the address you have listed with Saskatchewan Health. 
  • The coverage will be automatically connected to your health card, and the coverage will be automatically applied when the pharmacy fills your prescriptions.
  • If you need to have your application processed urgently, please talk to our pharmacists. 
STEP 4: Submit the letter to your insurance plan (if the application was requested by your insurance)  
  • If requested by Student Plan, take letter to the Student Plan office (next to the pharmacy) or submit to Student Plan by email or fax.  
  • If another private insurnace requested you to apply, submit the letter to your insurance plan office.
Please tell us know if you are having difficulty affording your prescription medication. You might be eligible for additional coverage from government programs like Saskatchewan Health Special Support Program or assistance programs through medication manufacturers.  We are here to help.
Local Saskatoon prescription delivery (FREE)
Our pharmacy offers prescription delivery for no additional charge. Local prescription deliveries within Saskatoon are delivered by our pharmacy delivery staff or by Saskatoon based courier service, Medical Courier Services. You can request delivery when ordering your prescription refills on our website, by leaving a message on our pharmacy phone system, or calling our pharmacy to speak to our staff.

We can deliver your prescription to your home or workplace. For your safety and confidentiality, you must be available to receive your prescription when it is delivered. Depending on the type of medication, you may also be required to sign to accept your prescription delivery or show identification. If you would like someone else to accept your prescription delivery on your behalf, please speak to the pharmacy to provide your consent.

If you have a charge or co-pay for your prescription, you can pay by e-transfer ( or talk to our pharmacy staff to pay by credit card.

Canada wide prescription mailout 
Due to increase costs, effective June 2023, we are no longer able to offer mail-out service free of charge.
Our pharmacy offers prescription delivery across Canada. Our pharmacy typically uses Canada Post XpressPost for sending prescriptions (and sometimes Purolator). If you provide the pharmacy your email address, you will received tracking information to track your shipment. You may be required to sign or provide proof of identification to accept your mailout. Not all prescriptions are eligible for mail-out. Payment for prescription deliveries can be made by e-transfer ( or credit card.

If you have any questions about prescription delivery, pickup, or about your medication, please call our pharmacy to speak to our pharmacy staff.

You can speak to our pharmacist on duty or any of our staff. If you would like to speak directly to our Pharmacy Owner, Carla Guedo, you can leave a message with any of our staff or email